Support us
By prayer
Please pray for the trustees that they would be wise stewards of the Trust and seek to glorify God and build His Kingdom through the use of the funds. We will publish a regular newsletter about how the funds are being used to help you to pray for us.
By giving
Your gifts will be used to fulfill our objectives of supporting gospel ministry in the Sevenoaks area. Please see our Giving Policy for more details on how your gifts might be used.
We welcome any expressions of intent for how you would like your gift to be used and will try as far as possible to honour these. However, it is not strictly possible for us to ring-fence gifts for specific uses and we may not be able to uphold expressions of intent.
Gift Aid eligible gifts
We will be using Stewardship – a Christian charity – to process all Gift Aid eligible donations. If your gift is not eligible for Gift Aid, please donate via another means (see below).
We are registered recipients with Stewardship (, account no 20254264), who have set up a support fund for our ministry. You can support us by making gifts to Stewardship for our fund by cheque, direct debit and online card payments. Where applicable, the value of your gifts may be increased by use of Gift Aid (worth 25% if you are a UK taxpayer). Stewardship will retain a small administration fee.
Donate via Stewardship online -
Donate via Stewardship offline - download a Stewardship support form and Direct Debit form
For both options above, please also fill in our Contact and Giving Form (download here)
Non-Gift Aid eligible gifts
For non-Gift Aid donations (including those for which Gift Aid has already been claimed e.g. via a Charities Aid Foundation account) please send directly to our bank account by either bank transfer or standing order.
Please note Sevenoaks Gospel Trust will not be claiming Gift Aid on any direct payments into our bank account.
Sevenoaks Gospel Trust
Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-41-50
Account number: 63252817
Please also fill in our Contact and Giving Form (download here).
By legacy
If you would like to leave Sevenoaks Gospel Trust a legacy in your will, please contact us.